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How to Handle Mold in Rentals

Mold is a natural part of the ecosystem. Its job is to eat dead, rotting trees and plants, breaking them down into dirt to fertilize the next generation of growth. However, mold can’t tell the difference between houses and dead trees. This is bad news for homeowners, landlords, and residents. Especially because mold is also potentially harmful to the health of people who live in the home. It likes to settle into any moist surface, whether that’s the space under your sink, a soaked carpet pad, or the structural beams of your house. As a landlord, its your responsibility to clear out mold in your rentals. It’s important to be

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How to Spot a Fraudulent Tenant Application

When a tenant falsifies information on their tenant screening, it immediately complicates the process. This is someone you are supposed to build a relationship with. You should be able to …

Income Verification Primer

Ensuring your tenants can afford rent is crucial for protecting your property and providing a successful rental experience. The screening process should include thorough verification of a prospective tenant’s employment …

Purchasing a Rental in a Neighborhood with a HOA

Homeowners’ associations (also known as an HOA) can make things complicated. Some find them desirable to keep properties nice and support neighborhood character. Others have had a different experience, they …

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